Sunday, July 5, 2015

Drew Noyes and Us Soldier Meeting Thailand Princess Sirindhorn

1 comment:

  1. Drew Noyse is a convicted burglar and larcenist in the USA and a convicted extortionist in Thailand. For the latter he received a 2 year prision sentence. He has served jail and probation time in the US.
    In the US he has outstanding fraud conviction and convictions of a sexual abuse nature.
    In Thailand he has human trafficed young Fillipino girls and fathered a child to a 14 year old girl who he raped, she was his ex wifes niece.
    Drew Noyse is a discusting excuse for himanity. A baby rapist, fraud, thief, woman abuser, corrupt, lier, cheat, snitch, stupid ( not a member of MENSA). He didnt come to rescue Thailand during the Asian financial crisis by appointment of the King.....he came to open beer bars in Pattaya.
    He isnt a lawyer or a credable individual as he claims. He is a 100% multi convicted criminal.
