JDSupra organization of legal professionals has admitted Drew Noyes as a legal professional to this esteemed association. American Drew Noyes is educated and trained in contract law and investment law in the Untied States and has been educated by the Thai government in the Foreign Business Act, the Condominium Act and other Thai laws relating to foreigners investing in Thailand. Drew Noyes is educated in law and is qualified to evaluate cases broght by foreigners in Thailand for property disputes, divorce and litigation and then select the Thai attorney on his staff at PAPPA Co., Ltd. Law to handle the case in court.
When it is not necessary to go to court, Drew Noyes and his Thai staff or paralegals and consultants work with Thai police, Immigration, Labor, Revenue as well as the Thai person the foreigner has the dispute with in order to resolve the case without court or police action.
In cases involving a foreigner putting property, condos , houses, businesses or companies in a Thai friend's wife's or girlfriend's name PAPPA Co. Ltd. Pattaya Lawyers has had a 100% success rate in getting money back for our clients.
PAPPA Co., Ltd. helps establish businesses and Thai companies in Thailand so they operate without scrutiny while full protecting the foreigner and his capital and assets. Drew Noyes
See the announcement on the professional website of JDSupra Law Association